More sell, less tell.
Stop Dreaming About Getting Your Memoir Published.
How do you write a successful nonfiction book?
A Micro-Retreat for Memoir Writers
An editor tells: these are the kinds of authors I want.
Some authors are landing big deals.
Is self-publishing your fallback plan?
Should self-publishing be your Option A?
Panic time. Who’s going to publish your book?
Check out the competition.
Let’s get real about dragons.
Publishers hate manuscripts.
I have the best clients.
Book proposals are simple to write. But never, ever easy.
Interview tip #7: Give people a magic wand
In search of the perfect book
Interview tip #6: Choose your words carefully
Interview tip #5: Why you should include a trust fall in every interview
Land a Literary Agent in 2020 With Three Fundamental Attributes
Interview tip #4: Ask all the stupid questions