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Sally Collings
Oct 11, 2021
Writing a book proposal for your memoir? Join me for a micro-retreat.
If you want to land a publishing deal for your memoir, there is one thing you need: a standout book proposal to submit to literary agents...

Sally Collings
Oct 1, 2021
What’s in it for your readers?
When a reader picks up a nonfiction book, they expect to get something out of it—a solution to a problem, a way to improve their life, or...

Sally Collings
Sep 24, 2021
What’s your message?
What IS a message (AKA proposition) for your book? And how the heck do you come up with one? I like the way industry guru Jane Friedman...

Sally Collings
Sep 20, 2021
Get in touch with your readers.
In my last post, I talked about defining your target reader—who they are, what you know about their interests, their age, and other...

Sally Collings
Sep 13, 2021
Who are you writing for?
You might be wondering why you need to be so specific about your target readers. Narrowing down your focus to a specific group will allow...
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